The Blasian Asian

The Blasian Asian

Mentors & supports students from middle school through college

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About Us

Chavrat (Chevy) DuBose born and raised in Cambodia, moved to Seattle, Washington in 1997 where she lived for 18 years. A job promotion for her husband Mike relocated the family to Waco, Texas in 2015. Once here, Chevy found it difficult to find Cambodian food in Waco. She found herself traveling to either the Austin or Dallas areas to pick up items from various Asian markets which she used to create traditional Cambodian dishes. One by one, Chevy began sharing and cooking for some of her friends. These friends highly encouraged her to share her dishes on a larger scale, i.e. a food trailer or restaurant.

October 2016, Mike and Chevy on an impulse decided, why not buy a small food trailer and see what happens. That first week of December Chevy, Mike, and son Aaron debuted some of Chevy’s favorite Cambodian dishes as The Blasian Asian in Waco, TX. Although she had many dishes that she wanted to share with the folks in Waco, the small food trailer presented challenges in what she could produce. As the popularity of her food quickly grew, it became obvious that the need for a larger trailer was a necessity. So, in August of 2017, The Blasian Asian moved to a larger trailer that accommodated more of what Chevy needed for a larger menu selection. This also simultaneously created the ability to keep up with a much larger demand than what was first expected.


July 2022:

“Day 1 of conducting Leadership Training with the young people of @mentorwaco . The engagement that we encountered was encouraging especially from kids of this age group. Using Legos during an activity highlighting the necessity for effective Servant Leadership was a big hit to say the least. But for us, it was the specific questions that we received afterwards that really let us know that they did indeed absorb the message. Thank you Mentor Waco for allowing us to touch the young minds of your group. Looking forward to next week’s “Part 2” session."

February 2022:

“Yesterday we had the pleasure in giving a helping hand to @mentorwaco in their cause. We are both happy and proud to serve our community and we look forward to future opportunities in giving back! Thank you to @godsgift95 on letting us be a part of this and also thank you to Gloria and Craig for providing the supplies that we were able to give. To all the kids in @mentorwaco we are extremely proud of you for helping and supporting our community and learning the aspects of life. ♥️"

February 2022:

Our good friend, Cory Dickman from @rapoportacademy, contacted us to see if we would be interested in taking part in a middle and high school program teaching food related entrepreneurship. Of course we're like, “HECK YES!". All of these kids were so bright and ready to get involved that they took over the restaurant and cooked a number of dishes for their own dinner! We were extremely excited to be interacting with all of the them. Watching how much they enjoyed being an active part of a local small business made us as intrigued in them as they were with us!
Watch out world, these kids are coming!

January 2022:

When you are hanging out with the neighborhood kids and get asked, “Is it hard owning your own business", it leads to some of the most engaging two-way dialog that you can be part of, especially with our youth. The kids from Mentor Waco (founded by my Prince Hall Masonic Brother, Jeremy Davis) and The Blasian Asian's management team attended the Martin Luther King Jr Day events together, hosted by Mission Waco. We were both fortunate and most appreciative that 5 members of our TEXAS Prince Hall Freemasonry family were there in support.

September 2021:

We missed the opportunity last year to support the Baylor Vietnamese Student Association, but not this year. Thanks to Madelene for getting in touch with us. Looking forward to continued support. #bayloruniversity #supportlocal

