Taste Project is a nonprofit 501(c)3 designed to end hunger one community at a time. We plan to do so through a variety of community-centric projects focusing on the under-served food insecure population.
One of every six Americans face the reality that they may not be able to provide for their next meal. 90% of those who are hungry are not homeless, but working and facing everyday challenges. They may be facing an unexpected medical bill, they may have lost a job recently, or they may be single parents. But they are our neighbors.
Taste Community Restaurant
Taste Community Restaurant is more than just your average restaurant; but a community place where all are welcome regardless of means. We are creating the only sustainable solution to end hunger in Fort Worth. One in six in our country is hungry. And in Tarrant County, Texas, 36% of the food insecure population do not qualify for government programs.
Many people in our community don’t know what to do when they see hunger. Most people want to help, but they don’t know how. When they see hunger, many don’t believe they can give enough to make a difference, or they wonder if it will really help.
Taste Project invites our community to taste and see. We are a community solution where people in need can meet people who want to help. All with dignity, love, and respect.
Our initial project is a full service restaurant located in Fort Worth, Texas where everyone is welcome. Our menu has no prices, not because we’re fancy, but because we ask guests to pay-what-you-can. Those in need and those wanting to help are not segregated, in order to create an environment that is approachable and refreshing. All guests can do one of the following:
Pay what you can afford, or
Pay what you would typically pay, or
Pay what you would typically, plus a little extra.
This is a give and take concept with proven models across the country. Nearly 1.3 million meals are served each year from community cafes. Panera Cares, an outreach of Panera Bread Company, operates 3 pay-what-you-can cafes with a 70-75% realization of the retail value of the food. We anticipate a similar gap and we plan to fill this gap in revenue with volunteer staff and servers, an expense that typically equates to 33-35% of traditional restaurant costs.
This pay-what-you-can concept doesn’t replace soup kitchens and food banks; it only provides another innovative option. Soup kitchens are good, but not everyone feels good about going there. This new concept provides a venue for individuals and families to fill their bellies without shame. Now there is no reason for anyone in our community to go hungry.
Please join us for lunch at Taste Community Restaurant. We have saved a seat just for you, and every detail is being organized so you feel right at home. We want to meet you and meet your needs in a personal and meaningful way. Whether that is a meal, or a friendly face, we hope to see you soon!