HOW IT ALL BEGAN London Christmas Tree Rental was founded in 2018 by Jonathan Mearns and Catherine Loveless. It all started when walking the streets of London in January and weaving between the Christmas tree graveyards that Jonathan decided enough was enough. With 7 million trees going into landfill each year for the sake of 3 weeks of pleasure there must be a better way to do Christmas trees.
So London Christmas Tree Rental was born, offering the opportunity to rent the same tree year on year.
LET'S SPRUCE THINGS UP The trees that we rent are predominantly Norway Spruce. Whilst these days the Nordmann Fir is the more popular type, if you want a pot grown tree that will be able to sustain growing larger than 4ft then the Norway Spruce is probably best, purely because the Nordmann’s root ball becomes too big to be grown successfully. The Spruce is the traditional tree that you would see in Trafalgar Square, it has a rich coniferous fragrance that depicts Christmas.
RENT Order a tree online then in December collect from one of our hubs. We encourage you to name the tree so it becomes part of the household!
WATER Your tree will need about a pint of water a day (it comes with a saucer). It will survive better if placed away from heat sources.
RETURN Just return the tree to the same hub you collected from and we will take it back to the farm, where we expect it to live for another year. It’s possible for you to have the same tree next year just fill out the name label at the time of return.