The Cobblestone Farmers Market is dedicated to significantly increasing equitable access to local, sustainably grown food in Winston-Salem, NC and growing our regional food economy by creating and nurturing diverse, thriving marketplaces.
Located in Winston-Salem, NC, CFM is a fully vetted, sustainable, producer-only farmers market operated by Beta Verde, LLC and its non profit The Good Stuff. The market is well known for both the quality and diversity of its fresh farm products and artisan prepared foods, offering customers the guarantee that all vendors meet the sustainable, naturally-grown and humane practices required by the market. Acclaimed as one of the top markets to visit nationally, CFM strives to intentionally curate a robust marketplace that capitalizes on the seasonality of a variety of products. By continually seeking new and niche products to showcase customers consistently have a wide variety of product to choose from, and with careful attention to the number of annually accepted vendors selling similar products, vendors have every opportunity to be successful.
Most of the beef, lamb and pork products sold at market are certified Animal Welfare Approved, which has the most rigorous standards for animal welfare in the United States. Humane, safe and healthy farming and food preparation are at at the center of the vendor review process. For value added products, each product is produced in compliance with all food safety rules and appropriate certifications. Local and/or sustainably produced ingredients are strongly preferred, and where possible, ingredients are grown by the vendor (e.g. pickles, jams, etc., but not necessarily baked goods).
Cobblestone expands access to fresh food with active acceptance at our markets of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) for Women, Infants and Children with additional match funds available for each subsidy program. Learn more about our Food Access Program.