Spathe and Spadix Plant Co.

Spathe and Spadix Plant Co.

Women-owned small business

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Bringing rare plants to your doorstep since 2022.
Spathe and Spadix Plant Co. has local roots. The founder and owner—a long-time aroid enthusiast and collector—began selling plants from her private collection in Colorado Springs over five years ago. Seeing how much joy these private sales brought to fellow enthusiasts inspired her to grow her collection with the aim of making “rare” plants more accessible within the local plant community. Today, Spathe and Spadix grows and cares for over 100 species of Aroids and is always on the hunt for your next wishlist plant!

Behind the name.“Spathe and Spadix Plant Co.” is a nod to our love for all things Aroid! Plants in the Araceae family (commonly called “aroids”) include species like Philodendron, Monstera, Epipremnum (“pothos”), Syngonium, among others. What connects all aroids is their characteristic inflorescence; every species has a unique inflorescence containing clusters of very small flowers.The major structures of the inflorescence include a spathe (a modified leaf ) and a spadix (structure containing male and female flowers). We find the spathe and spadix of each aroid to be uniquely beautiful— just like each of the plants we grow and deliver to your home!


Suggested To Us By

Alison W. @ Lady Justice Brewing Company -->
