24 Jan 2022

Top 10 Ways Millennials Push For Social Causes

Top 10 Ways Millennials Push For Social Causes
Solutions for Millennials to engage with causes and social issues shouldn't guess at what they want to do.
PC: Millennial Impact Report

PC: Millennial Impact Report

Thankfully, The Millennial Impact Report researched this every year for ten years and published a final report in 2019.

PC: Millennial Impact Report

PC: Millennial Impact Report

The results are clear: don't just ask Millennials to donate (#7) or volunteer (#10) for your social cause. They are socially active BUT they have their own priorities:

  1. Vote
  2. Petition
  3. Post on social media
  4. Change buying habits
  5. Contact political representative
  6. March/Rally
  7. Donate
  8. Protest
  9. Join non-profit board
  10. Volunteer

If we want to tap into their sense of social responsibility and social activism, it's incumbent on us to meet them where they are.

There are mainstream solutions for #1, #2, and #3 already. But #4?

That's how Karmalize chose “change business habits" as the driver behind our mission: to help people spread good karma by supporting socially responsible businesses. We are the world's first and only crowdsourced global directory of socially responsible businesses, searchable by social cause.

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