31 Dec 2021

Buy Buy Buy, More or Less?

Buy Buy Buy, More or Less?
As Conscious Consumption advocates, Karmalize unequivocally encourages less consumption, but to consume purposefully for the things you are going to buy anyway.

In Self Care That’s Actually Self Care, Karmalize Advisory Board Member Sydney Yap explores one side of consumer consumption, specifically whether retail therapy actually provides reasonable self care.

This article is published by The Women’s Network, whose mission is to “revolutionize networking for collegiate and recently graduated women, creating a community of women that celebrates the desire to achieve, and cultivating ambition to prepare the next generation of leaders.

Writing for the Duke University chapter, Sydney quotes marriage and family therapist Samantha Heuwagen who said “self-care is a way for us to give back to ourselves and release everyday pressures. It doesn’t require you to buy anything, like many marketing/social media entities would lead you to believe“. Furthermore, Sydney adds: “It’s time we reject that spending money will lead to happiness and reclaim true self-care“.

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