Emerson Fry Bread

Emerson Fry Bread

Native-American & women-owned small business

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Celebrate Native American food culture at Indigenous-owned restaurants in metro Phoenix
by Bahar Anooshahr

This bright purple food truck is known for its roast mutton sandwiches and steamed corn stew, featuring home-grown mutton and corn direct from the Navajo Nation. Owners Roxanne Wilson and Loren Emerson, a classically-trained chef and member of the Colorado River Indian Tribes, also grow squash, green chiles and onions at a community garden, The Arizona Republic reported.

Other menu items include the bean and cheese fry bread and the carne asada Indian taco, named for their children Yolli and Jazzy. When the Navajo Nation locked down under the pandemic, the couple came up with a plan to provide foods that Native people would go home to get. It worked — most of the foods people order have mutton as the main ingredient, Wilson told The Republic.



Suggested To Us By

Rich Y. From AZ Central (https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/dining/2020/10/12/indigenous-owned-restaurants-and-food-stands-metro-phoenix/5916967002/)
