For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we highlight these business owners who are fighting every day to get us all closer to a cure:
- Virginia Carnesale of Santa Barbara, CA is a breast cancer survivor, wellness enthusiast, and information activist. She founded Stage “to be a resource, support system, marketplace and wellness destination” with 5% of net proceeds going to help improve the breast cancer patient experience.
- Lizzy James of San Diego, CA founded her Lizzy James artisan jewelry company while undergoing breast cancer treatment. Her charitable style collection donates 5% of sales to the Breast Cancer Research, ASPCA, Shelter to Soldier, National Multiple Scleroris Society, Make A Wish Foundation, and Ocean Conservancy charities.
Find more businesses like these to support by searching on “breast cancer” or using this link. Know of any more? Suggest them to us here.
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