Featured cities in Karmalize
A year later, this is a house that we started but you built. With your help, we grew from zero to more than 2,600 crowdsourced businesses in over 800 cities worldwide!
We’re extremely grateful to everyone who suggested businesses to us. Several of you, including business owners, are on our Wall of Fame for suggesting 5, 10, 30 or more businesses. Thank you so much!
If you haven’t suggested yet, please do – we promise you your voice is powerful. Throughout history, in times of need, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. This is your time.
Looking ahead we have a long list of inspiring stories from our businesses to share and celebrate with you. We’ll continue working to expand your choices of more and more businesses to support.
Lastly, can we talk? Social media is a blessing and a curse. We’re not here for the likes. We’re definitely not here for fame or fortune. Yet we must speak somewhere, and we choose IG as our main voice. We also choose always to be positive, supportive, and inclusive. Follow us on IG @karmalize_org.
Every day last year was a day we got to work on Karmalize. Got to, not had to. For that, and for you, we’re grateful.
Rich & Eric
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